*************FREEWARE ONLY*****************

Thanks for downloading my Default 747 Panel Package. Please follow the following instructions carefully if not familiar with modifying default Aircraft.

(1) Make a COMPLETE copy of your b747-400 aircfraft folder, and paste it to your desk top for a temporary back up. You can delete this later, when satisfied with the new installation.

(2) Unzip My 747pan Zip to a temporary folder of your choice.

(3) Open My 747pan Folder.

(4) Open the aircraft Folder, and copy and paste the new aircraft cfg. file to YOUR b747-400 aircfraft folder. .......Be sure you to copy and paste the top section from [GENERAL] and above to the new cfg. file IF you have added any repaints.

(5) Open the effects folder and copy and paste the fx. file(s) to YOUR main effects folder.

(6) Open the gauges folder and copy and paste the new gauge files to YOUR main gauges folder.

NOTE > DO NOT OPEN the folder named " D_J_S_ gauges ", rather copy and paste the entire folder, to Your main gauges folder.

(7) Dont open but rather copy and paste the ENTIRE panel Folder to YOUR b747-400 aircrft folder.

That's It! Now start FS2004, and enjoy your modified Boeing 747-400.

Be sure and search the library (randy burton) for my other Files.......

If you need any help, feel free to contact me.

Randy Burton (baddadnv) baddad1@cascadeaccess.com

*************Please.....small or large donations greatly appreciated and needed**************

Send To: Randy Burton
PO Box 1862
Mesquite, NV